
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

iPhone VS Big Girl Camera

Anyone have an iPhone??  I don't know how I would live without mine.  My smartphone is the best thing since sliced bread.  I use it for everything.....the calendar is my life saver.  I once was able to keep everything in my head, but after kid number 3 that went out the door and I had to write everything down.  Now I can just plug it in my phone and the great benefit is my hub's phone and my kiddo's iPods are all synced so everyone knows our schedule.  LOVE IT!!  I no longer have a need for an alarm clock because I have the Alarm Clock HD app which displays the time just like an alarm clock and thankfully has a snooze button which you can custom set, plus a whole bunch of other features.  LOVE IT!!  The notepad...couldn't live without is my shopping list.  LOVE IT!!  The camera is awesome.  LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!  If you look through the pictures on my phone you will find pictures of serial numbers, recipes from magazines,  and any other thing I may need to reference to later.  Plus, thousands (not kidding) of pictures.

Which brings me to my point.  I love taking pictures.  I have a couple big girl DSLR cameras, my point and shoot got run over on Halloween several years ago and I have never replaced it because I have my iphone!  

I thought I would play a little game with you.  Can you guess which photos I took with my iPhone and which ones I took with my big girl camera?  








Just leave your answers in a comment and please tell me your favorite apps.  Ready, Set, Goooooo!

{{{HUGS from an iPhone addict}

Monday, September 24, 2012

Cutie Patootie Pumpkin Winner Announced

Thank you to everyone for entering the Cutie Patootie Pumpkin Giveaway.  I love EVERYTHING that Beth makes.  Thank you Beth for the giveaway!!!!

Now, onto who won!!!  

The lucky winner is comment #6.
Nancy C. won with this comment:

If you have been following my blog for any amount of time you have probably met Nancy C here.  I will give you a bit of history of our friendship.  I initially met Nancy C. over the phone when she called me with questions about getting her VERY TALENTED...I'm not kidding this girl is AMAZING into our 4-H club.  You should see what this girl can make out of her own yarn that she spins {or whatever it is called when you make your own} that she gets from her sheep and then dyes.  AHHHHH MAZING!!!    She must get all that from her mom!!!  Anyhow, Nancy had called me again because they transplanted here to the sticks from the Omaha area and she didn't know people or what 30 minute drive to take to get!!!  We were talking about our favorite recipes, gardening, Starbucks, The Pioneer Woman, etc and I mentioned that I had this little ole blog that I post recipes on.  Nancy C. checked out my blog and has been following ever since.  Needless to say, our friendship has grown and I am so glad I know her!!!

Congrats Nancy!!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Turn A Scarf Into A Vest

I have got the easiest way for you to make a vest!!!  I was in awe when I saw how simple this was.  I don't know about you, but I have several scarves that I wear and end up taking them off because I can't stand them around my neck for long.  I knew when I saw how to turn my scarf into a vest that I could wear them longer than a couple hours...ha!  

If you can tie a knot, you can make this vest and I will show you how.  All you need is a large scarf.

1.  Lay your scarf out flat.
2.  Fold it in half. 
3.  Bring a folded corner and a loose end corner together.
4.  Tie the folded corner and loose end corner together.
5.  It should resemble a triangular shape.
6.  Find the opening.
7.  Separate the scarf to find to arm holes.
There you have it.  HOW EXTREMELY EASY IS THAT!!!!

Here is a front view

And here it is from the back

New life for my old scarves and a new way to dress up and old wardrobe!!!

I did play around with them a little to see if I could get a different look.  Try twisting the middle of the scarf before folding in half.  This will give you an open back vest.  

Remember you have until Monday to enter the GIVEAWAY!!!  Don't miss out!!!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Cutie Patootie Pumpkin Giveaway

First, a little side note.  I have had internet trouble for the last three weeks.  If you are reading this consider it almost a miracle...ha!!!  I have had numerous phone calls to my provider and they have been out to look at it once and are coming again this week.  I have so much I want to show you on the blog, but it is a little hard when I can't keep an internet connection.  I will stay connected with you through  The Farmer's Wife Facebook page when I have cell phone coverage and hopefully they will have this issue resolved soon.  We live in the sticks and we don't have cell phone coverage at our house, but if I get on the big hill not far from our house watch!  One of the downfalls of living in the sticks!!!

It is time for another GIVEAWAY!!!  Whoop Whoop!!!  Thank you to everyone who follows me on Facebook!!  Fall is here and it is time to decorate for my favorite season of the year!!!  I love fall...the brisk mornings, the days are not too hot and not too cool {usually}, the changing colors of the trees, and of course HUSKER football.  Fall is my favorite time of year on the farm too because I love corn harvest....and Nebraska is known for their corn!!!  

I have the perfect decoration for you to add to your fall decor...this adorable fabric pumpkin made by my dear friend Beth from Beth Grove's Jewelry and Crafts.  She is so talented!!!  

Isn't it cute! She makes them in all different sizes in an array of fabrics.  This one is approximately 12 inches give or take and has the perfect color combination for fall!!  Who wants it????

Here is a little closer peak.

Beth also takes custom orders.  If you have something in mind I am sure that Beth could create your vision.  If you are wanting a custom order don't waste time and let her know as she is getting busy with the upcoming holidays.  I have my custom order in and I CANNOT WAIT to show you.  It is something I have wanted to make myself for a while, but I haven't had time to get around to it.  I'm so excited!!!  You can contact her through her Facebook page and check out all her great creations there.

There are several ways to enter:

1.  Go to Beth's Facebook page and LIKE it.  Leave her a comment letting her know The Farmer's Wife sent you.   Then come back here and leave a comment on this post letting me know you did so.  If you already like Beth's page, just leave me a comment letting me know.

2.  Follow The Farmer's Wife blog.
  Leave a fabulous comment on this post letting me know you are a NEW follower for one chance to win.  If you already follow The Farmer's Wife leave a comment letting me know if the glass is half empty or half full.

3.  Follow me on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you follow me on Facebook for another chance to win.

4.  Share this post on your Facebook page.
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you shared the giveaway on your Facebook page for yet another chance to win.

5.  Do you have a blog?
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you shared this giveaway on your blog and you will have another chance to win.

Remember to leave a separate comment for each of the above ways to enter to up your chances.

That is 5 chances to win!!!

I will use to choose the winner.  You have until Monday,September 24th at noon to enter.  Winner will be announced on Monday as well.  Winner must contact me via email {under the contact me tab} and provide me a mailing address by September 30th or I will use to choose a new winner.  Be sure to check back to see if you won!  Winner will be announced in a new post.  Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. 


Monday, September 10, 2012

Household Tip

The other day I was discussing with my friends at work about how badly I need to clean the tops of my kitchen cabinets.  We have a gas stove and between that and the "country accent" of dust we have here on the farm it gets pretty darn grimy on up there.  It isn't the easiest place to clean....picture me standing on the counters with my head caulked at a 90 degree angle scrubbing the grime...then again...don't picture that.  

Well, my dear friend shared her "dirty" little secret about how to easily clean the tops of your cabinets.  It was one of those "why didn't I think of it moments".  Really, how simple is it to spread some old newspapers up there and then all you have to do is throw them away and replace them with new every so often!  Genius, my friends are!!!!

I wanted to pass this super fantabulous tip on to you all.  Guess what, I have another tip to share with you soon.  HINT involves food!!!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Easy Gourmet Caramel Apples

With fall right around the corner there is no better treat for this time of year than a caramel apple.  If you have never made them, they are quite simple.  Plain caramel apples are delicious, but by adding a few more ingredients you can make your own gourmet caramel apples....ya know....a little "eye candy" for your apples.  You can use whatever ingredients suit your tastes.

Here is how to "whoop" up these divine apples.

You will about 2 pounds individually wrapped caramels.
10 apples, your choice!  I used Granny Smith and Braeburn apples.
Popsicle sticks.
Zip-Loc Baggies
Jumbo muffin liners
{If you don't have muffin liners use foil.  Wax paper is not your friend when it comes to caramel.}

The toppings I used are:
Reese's Peanut Butter Chips
Miniature Chocolate Chips
Vanilla Chips
Chopped Peanuts
Chopped Walnuts
Toffee Bits

Wash the apples and remove the stem.  The apples have a wax coating which can prevent the caramel from sticking.  To remove the wax wash the apples in a mixture of 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar.  Allow to soak for 15 minutes and then rinse and wipe dry with a paper towel.  Place the popsicle stick in the center of the apple and put the apples in the freezer for about 45 minutes.  This will help the caramel harden faster after you dip them.

 Remove the wrappers from all caramels.  I recruited my kids to help and they each got to eat a caramel for their efforts.  Oh, I ate one too!!!  Place the caramels in a microwave safe bowl and add 3 tablespoons of water.  Microwave on high for 3 minutes stirring each minute until the caramels are all melted.

Sorry, it was a little had to take pictures while dipping apples so no pictures.  Some days I could use another hand, arm, a maid, personal assistant.

Dip the chilled apple in caramel about half to two-thirds of the way up the apple.  You can dip the whole thing too.  Whatever makes your skirt fly up.  Allow excess caramel to drain off.  Then immediately roll in the topping of your choice {nuts, toffee bits, crushed candy bars...anything yummy}.  Place apple on a muffin liner and place in the refrigerator to cool.

After all the apples are dipped and rolled in "butt booster" candy and cooled it is time to make em' purdy!!!  Drizzle them with peanut butter, vanilla, and chocolate.  Melt 1 cup flavored chips with 1 teaspoon crisco in the microwave on high for about 15 seconds.  Stir.  If the chips are not all melted let them sit a little bit and stir again.  If they still are not melted pop in the microwave for another 10 seconds and stir.  Transfer the melted chips to a zip-loc baggie and snip the corner off of one side.  Squeeze the bag and drizzle topping over the apples.  Place in the refrigerator to chill.  You can add a little cuteness by adding a bow to the popsicle stick.

Yummy Yummy!!!  And gorgeous right!!!


Linked to:  Cowgirl Up Link Party    Chef In Training