
Monday, September 17, 2012

Cutie Patootie Pumpkin Giveaway

First, a little side note.  I have had internet trouble for the last three weeks.  If you are reading this consider it almost a miracle...ha!!!  I have had numerous phone calls to my provider and they have been out to look at it once and are coming again this week.  I have so much I want to show you on the blog, but it is a little hard when I can't keep an internet connection.  I will stay connected with you through  The Farmer's Wife Facebook page when I have cell phone coverage and hopefully they will have this issue resolved soon.  We live in the sticks and we don't have cell phone coverage at our house, but if I get on the big hill not far from our house watch!  One of the downfalls of living in the sticks!!!

It is time for another GIVEAWAY!!!  Whoop Whoop!!!  Thank you to everyone who follows me on Facebook!!  Fall is here and it is time to decorate for my favorite season of the year!!!  I love fall...the brisk mornings, the days are not too hot and not too cool {usually}, the changing colors of the trees, and of course HUSKER football.  Fall is my favorite time of year on the farm too because I love corn harvest....and Nebraska is known for their corn!!!  

I have the perfect decoration for you to add to your fall decor...this adorable fabric pumpkin made by my dear friend Beth from Beth Grove's Jewelry and Crafts.  She is so talented!!!  

Isn't it cute! She makes them in all different sizes in an array of fabrics.  This one is approximately 12 inches give or take and has the perfect color combination for fall!!  Who wants it????

Here is a little closer peak.

Beth also takes custom orders.  If you have something in mind I am sure that Beth could create your vision.  If you are wanting a custom order don't waste time and let her know as she is getting busy with the upcoming holidays.  I have my custom order in and I CANNOT WAIT to show you.  It is something I have wanted to make myself for a while, but I haven't had time to get around to it.  I'm so excited!!!  You can contact her through her Facebook page and check out all her great creations there.

There are several ways to enter:

1.  Go to Beth's Facebook page and LIKE it.  Leave her a comment letting her know The Farmer's Wife sent you.   Then come back here and leave a comment on this post letting me know you did so.  If you already like Beth's page, just leave me a comment letting me know.

2.  Follow The Farmer's Wife blog.
  Leave a fabulous comment on this post letting me know you are a NEW follower for one chance to win.  If you already follow The Farmer's Wife leave a comment letting me know if the glass is half empty or half full.

3.  Follow me on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you follow me on Facebook for another chance to win.

4.  Share this post on your Facebook page.
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you shared the giveaway on your Facebook page for yet another chance to win.

5.  Do you have a blog?
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you shared this giveaway on your blog and you will have another chance to win.

Remember to leave a separate comment for each of the above ways to enter to up your chances.

That is 5 chances to win!!!

I will use to choose the winner.  You have until Monday,September 24th at noon to enter.  Winner will be announced on Monday as well.  Winner must contact me via email {under the contact me tab} and provide me a mailing address by September 30th or I will use to choose a new winner.  Be sure to check back to see if you won!  Winner will be announced in a new post.  Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. 



  1. I just posted a commented on Beth's page! I am new to your blog and I'm loving it! I am a stay-at-home Christian Mom of four and I love it!

  2. I love your page and Beth's page, I am addicited to it, I have bought some of those pumpkins from her just about a month ago, and truly love them, I put them in a basket just like she did on her page and have gotten lot's of complimnets on them! I tell them all where to get them, I love your page also, you both are so talented, I like it better than Pintrest!!!!
    Eileen Thompson

  3. I already like both facebook pages and have been a follower of your blog for a while. Love to read another Nebraska farm wife's stories!
    Melanie Rutt

  4. I already LOVE not just LIKE Beth's facebook page. Lol!

  5. To be honest, half empty, but I'm working on changing that view!

  6. You know I follow you on fb!!!!

  7. went to Beth Grove's fb page... I just love this pumpkins :D

    Mercedes Thomas

  8. The glass is half empty... :D
    as a kid i always thought of it half empty so it was a reason to get more soda

    Mercedes Thomas

  9. I follow you on facebook and love reading what is going on at the farm

    Mercedes Thomas

  10. Shared it on my fb page :)

    Mercedes Thomas

  11. What an adorable pumpkin! I had already been following your blog, but had forgotten to actually become a follower on GFC. So now I am. I hope I win, that pumpkin is too stinkin' cute!

  12. Shared it on my Facebook page. Thanks for hosting such a cute giveaway!

  13. Just started following Beth on facebook.... one very talented lady!

  14. Have like you on facebook and so happy I found you!

  15. Shared your awesome give away on my facebook page

  16. I'm a new follower!! Love your page!!

  17. I've been a follower and love what you put on her Jodi. I love the pumpkin!
    Jodi L

  18. I went to Beth's page and left a message....I love her stuff and I love your blog...thanks for taking the time to post for us!!!


  19. new follower via gfc!!

    katherinedibello (at) gmail (Dot) com

  20. I am a new follower to The Farmer's Wife :)

  21. I liked her on fb.

  22. I follow.

  23. HI! Such a cute pumpkin!! I like her FB page and left a comment for her. :)

  24. I'm a new follower subscribed via google reader! :)

  25. already a follower. When asking kids or husband for my glass I would say half full but in regards to life..... its half empty.

  26. I follow Beth on FB!!!


  27. I follow you on fb!


  28. I am your newest follower!


  29. Liked Beth's page on Facebook!

  30. I'm a follower-- Love your blog!!

  31. I also follow you on facebook!

  32. Brand new follower here at The Farmer's Wife =)

  33. Whoo hoo! I'm a new follower and was so happy to see your pretty page pop up when I clicked on this fab give away over at Someday Craft's. I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that lil' pumpkin. It was the first thing that caught my eye. Unfortunately I'm not on FB----so can't enter that way----but right away signed up to follow (which, by the looks of things, I would have followed anyway.)

    Really looking forward to perusing your page more. I love how you have it set up! :)

  34. i love the pumpkin and the fall materials.

  35. I shared the giveaway on Facebook :)

  36. I shared the giveaway on my blog, The Holy Knollies

  37. Happily following you :) Thanks for joining Market YOur Biz and Giveaways.

  38. I follow your blog and the glass is alway half full (on most days)

  39. I follow you on FB, love your ideas!

  40. Shared on my FB page! Wish I had a blog...

  41. I liked Beth's FB page and left her a comment!

  42. I also liked your FB page!

  43. I liked Beth's Facebook page and let her know you sent me :)

  44. I'm an old follower - the glass is definitely half full :)


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