
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

County Fair Questions

This week is very hectic for our household {I am beginning to wonder if ALL the weeks are hectic with the way things are going} because our county fair takes place.  I love our fair!!!  We have a county owned carnival and it takes lots of volunteers to pull it off every year.  It seems to get better and better each year thanks to those volunteers!!!!  The attractions at our fair are a Ranch Rodeo, two nights of Rodeo {the regular kind with all the events}, and a Demo Derby which always seems to draw a huge crowd!!!!  There are other things going on throughout the week as well.  Our fire department {which we are thankful for} holds a FREE barbecue on Friday night.  They dig a pit and cook all the meat and it is to die for!!!!!!!

Today we have the horse show {which I need to be going out the door and not blogging}.  We have two girls that are old enough to show.  They will be taking Archie and Cartoon today.  The temperature is predicted to be 105 degrees with a heat index of 110.  YEP, it is horse show day for sure!!!

My daughter riding Cartoon....yep a swimsuit and boots!!!!

So with it being county fair week around here I am curious about all of you so I thought I would ask you some questions.

1.  Do you attend your county fair?
2.  Have you or your kids been in or are in 4-H, if so what projects did you do?
3.  Do you check out all the 4-H exhibits and animal projects?
4.  What is your favorite thing about fair?
5.  Funnel cake or onion blossom?

Here are my answers:
1.  Yep, we pretty much live at the fairgrounds this week.
2.  I was not in 4-H, but my kids are and they do several, sewing, photography, woodworking, electricity, and show cattle and horses.  It is a lot of WORK, but they learn so much!!!
3.  Of course I do, I love crafts and there are always neat ideas.  I also like checking out all the livestock. 4-Hers put a lot of work into these animals and it definitely shows!!!!
4.  I think I would have to say my favorite thing about fair is when it is over!!!....LOL.  It is such a long week for us, but honestly my favorite thing is seeing my kids having fun!!!!
5. Ummmm.....I am going to have both!!!!



  1. We're excited about fair, too, and once again, we wish we would have done MORE projects! Ugh!

    1. Yes, we do! Erin participates and the rest of the family watches!
    2. Erin has been in 4-H for (I think) for 5 years. She does/has done sewing, knitting, crocheting, and photography. She has also shown/is showing sheep, chickens and horses.
    3. Oh, I LOVE to! I love the huge dairy cows, the exotic chickens and the creative crafts. Oh and the garden foods, the quilts and the baked goods.
    4. I love to see all the hard work Erin does throughout the year result in great ribbon placements and even see some of her knitting to to state. All 4-H'ers work sooooo hard, don't they?!
    5. Haven't had an onion blossom, so maybe I will today!

  2. Can you fix my typos?!?!?!? UGH!!!

  3. Hmmm...5 questions....looks kind of familiar??1!

    1. No
    2., cooking, sewing, sheep, various other things
    3. Depends on time, heat and who I'm with
    4. Food unless there is a good concert
    5. Funnel cake


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