
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Farm Tour

Today I went to the farm to see how the crops were progressing.  Really, I wanted to check on how the sweet corn was coming along, but with the substantial rain the last few days I couldn't make it back to where it is planted.  I can't wait for the sweet corn to be ready.  One of the best parts of summer is eating BLT's, watermelon, and sweet corn that we raise ourselves.

While I was gallivanting around the farm I saw two snakes which I ran over with my vehicle....OOPS!!!  I do not like snakes one bit!!  They were obviously on a suicide mission crossing the road right in front of me.

Anyhow, since I was at the farm I thought I would give you a little tour of things.

Remember when I told you about my hubs planting seeds?  This is what those seeds are becoming.

The corn plants are growing everyday.

This tree is in our pasture.  I love it because it has character and it stands alone.  We have a pasture gate that sits at an angle and when you pull up to the gate the tree is perfectly framed in the gate {maybe that is my photographer's eye....not that I am a photographer, but it is a hobby I enjoy}.  I will get a picture of it someday.  Anyhow, this tree has made a great come back from a terrible storm we had a few years back.  You can still see some limbs laying on the ground.

This is our pasture swimming pool!!!  Gorgeous huh!!!

It is hard to see, but there is a mama cow taking in some rays by the pasture pond.

Our pasture is full of these NOXIOUS weeds also known as a Yucca plant.  A YUCK-A plant is right!!!!  I can't believe people would buy these.  I am going to have a sale on them so please stop by anytime.  It will be a buy one for FREE and get three more for FREE.  You have to dig them up yourself, but with that great price who cares!!!

Moving is one of our hay fields.  Technical term for this plant is alfalfa.  We will start swathing and baling soon.

Here is one of the wheat fields.

And more wheat.  It is starting to head out.

And here is another corn can't farm in Nebraska and not raise corn!!!!  Thanks for coming along!!!

The Farmer's Wife


  1. I cant wait for sweet corn as well. We have lake property in MN and my in laws put a huge garden on our property and sweet corn was on of the things the put in the garden. Cant wait to have some in August. Yum!!
    Newest follower! Hope for you to come by and say hello! =)
    Ashley @

  2. Nice tour!

    And I may be from Podunkville, but I am not falling for your offer on the Yucca plants. Yuck! I have never liked those plants ~ even the "civilized" ones in the city are YUCK! Lol!

    That wheat field is beautiful!

  3. Beginnings are so beautiful. I don't like those Yuk-a plants either. Can't wait to see the corn stalks. I bet it is gorgeous. And, all that corn....WOW. Have a great weekend.

  4. Hello from Canada!
    Beautiful no-till fields you have there and that wheat looks good...From the farmer's wife point of view, ha ha. Nice and green!!
    Ah, gosh I hate snakes too. I tell everyone on the farm if they see one hit it with a shovel. lol!
    Anyways, LOVE your blog!
    Have a great season, all the best with just enough rain and just enough sun:)


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