
Monday, September 19, 2011

Laboring on Labor Day

I am SOOOO far behind lately.  I am just now getting around to posting what we did on our Labor Day holiday.  Things have been down right hectic around these parts.  School is in full swing and my oldest daughter is out for volleyball which she adores.  Which translates into attending games a couple times a week and then working out a carpool schedule with all the other parents that live in our neck of the woods to pick the kids up from practice.  Which means the carpool saves me trips to town which should allow me to some "extra"time to BLOG cook supper, wash laundry so we don't have to turn our underwear inside out,  and do homework with the kids.  Anyhow, enough about me feeling totally overwhelmed lately.

Our friends called and needed some help working cattle.  I mentioned that it was a holiday to which I got the reply "What is a holiday?"!!  Ummm, yeah....what is a holiday when you live and work on a farm.  Livestock must be fed and cared for everyday.....get this....EVEN on holidays!!!!!  Which translates into absolutely NO days, zilch, none!!!!!

So we gathered up the kids, saddled the horses, and headed to help our friends.  When you are with friends it doesn't seem like work.  It is just another social event in which work happens to get done.  It really is the best of both worlds!!!!!!!

The first bunch of cattle is gathered and they are headed to the corral.

 What a beautiful site.  That's my oldest girl on the right.

 Here she is bringing up the rear.

 The cattle thought they would try to take off, but we got around them and headed back in the right direction.

 Had to share this photo because it looks like someone is about to be headed.

 We made it to our destination and had "box" seats with a great view.

 My daughter waiting for the action to start.

 This particular day we ran the cattle through a chute instead of roping and dragging them.

 Texting................the girlfriend I'm!!!

 Pushing the cattle.  This is one job I wouldn't want.  You run the risk of getting kicked and to top it off you end up covered in poop.  It is a good job for these young men...just sayin'!!!

 Done back to work!!!!!!!!!!!

 Look at my girl go!!!

 A bull calf....for more on that click here or for a front row seat to this process click here.

 I love the saying "If Noah had been wise....he would have swatted them two flies."

 Where there are cattle there are flies and lots of them!!!

 When we finished working the cattle we headed out to take them to another pasture.

 That's my hubs and Buck.

 This is probably two of the most orneriest kids I know.  They are good kids!!!!!!!

 My son....he was giving his girlfriend a ride.

Now that is some QUALITY TIME there folks!!!

Happy Trails!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. I remember those times. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day. Hugs.


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