
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quality Time

The other day it was amazingly gorgeous for a February day so we took full advantage of it and headed out for the afternoon.  My BIL and SIL and niece were staying with us for the weekend so we had quite a crew.  We all hopped on the 4-leelow's and went to see the newest additions to the farm.

Rach, LR, and Aunt Sasa (also know as Rachel, Larry, and Lisa)
Mike was playing in the dirt again so my brood and I hopped on another 4-leelow and went to see the babies.

I am sure this is totally safe!!!!
I spy......

A mama and a couple new babies.  These are not twins, but the other mama is camera shy.  I think she was worried about the 10 pounds the camera adds.

We ventured on about our business and what did we see.......

A brand new baby.  This baby has a mama that didn't care for us checking out her we continued to venture on.

We eventually made it to where Mike was playing in the dirt.  The kids were excited to play on the dam....or what is left of it.

Nothing like a bunch of kids wearing themselves out!!!!!

It takes strong muscles to get all the way up there.

I'm Queen of the World!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am happy to see that all the kids are up there and she wasn't aiming for a sister!!!!

Such Posers!!!!!!

This was trip #34 down the "mountain".

This was trip #17 across the "mountain".  It wasn't as fun to go across as it was to go up and down.

He is in his happy place.....dirt!!!!

I said it was time to go and they asked to go up ONE more time.  1 or 5....what is the difference?!?  Plus, they were setting a goal of 50 trips up and down the dam......I think!

We waited patiently and Mike told LR and Sasa about the dam project.  I wasn't close enough to hear what he is saying, but I know him and I can tell that is what he was talking about because of his actions....I'm that good!!!

It was a perfect day!!!!!!

The Farmer's Wife

1 comment:

  1. Quality Time Meaning

    Time in which singular consideration is given to a generally dismissed kid or accomplice.


    It will not shock anyone to peruse this is an American expression. It dates from the 1970s, the time when the thought that guardians could 'have it all', that is, a fruitful vocation and an upbeat home life, was picking up prominence.

    The principal utilization of the expression that I've found is from the Maryland daily paper The Capital, January 1973, in a piece headed 'How To Be Freed':

    The significant objective of each of these part changes is to give a lady time to herself, Ms. Burton explained."A lady's privilege and obligation is to act naturally satisfying," she said. She gives "quality time" as opposed to "amount time" to each errand, regardless of whether it be composing, cleaning the house or tending the youngsters.


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