
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dazcot Dezign Giveaway

Once again, it is time for another Give~Give~Giveaway!!!!!!!!  The Farmer's Wife Facebook page hit 300 fans!!!  Thank you all for liking my page and following my blog!  To show my appreciation for you taking a little bit of your day following me I want to give one lucky reader an awesome necklace from Dazcot Dezign.

I know these necklaces are awesome because I own one!!!  You may have seen it on one of my Facebook posts when I was deciding which t-shirt to wear on game day.  If you didn't see it, I am happy to show you it now.  I received this necklace as a gift from my fabulous friend and reader Nancy C. who is also a HUSKER fan!!!

Dana from Dazcot Dezign was thrilled to offer up one of her fantastic creations to The Farmer's Wife readers!!!  Thank you Dana!!!!  Here is the gorgeous necklace I will be giving away.  On one side it says "Love Life" and on the other it says "Count Your Blessings".  A heart and angel wing charm complete the necklace.  It is CUTE!!!  Who wants it?!?

It is time to start thinking about Christmas.  Wouldn't one of these make a fabulous gift for a sister, daughter, friend or  mother!  Please check out Dazcot Dezign on Facebook for more information.  

There are several ways to enter:

1.  Go to Dazcot Dezign and LIKE it.  Leave a comment letting them know The Farmer's Wife sent you.  While you are there be sure to check out all the great jewelry.  I personally love the HUSKER items and I would love to have Dana make a custom design for me....maybe a Farmer's Wife one.  After you have looked at of Dana's designs come back here and leave a comment on this post letting me know you did so.  If you already like Dazcot Dezign's page, just leave me a comment letting me know that you already like it.

2.  Follow The Farmer's Wife blog.
  Leave a fabulous comment on this post letting me know you are a NEW follower for one chance to win.  If you already follow The Farmer's Wife leave a comment letting me know your pet peeve {mine is not putting a new roll of toilet paper on}.

3.  Follow me on Facebook.
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you follow me on Facebook for another chance to win.

4.  Share this post on your Facebook page.
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you shared the giveaway on your Facebook page for yet another chance to win.

5.  Do you have a blog?
Leave a separate comment on this post letting me know you shared this giveaway on your blog and you will have another chance to win.

Remember to leave a separate comment for each of the above ways to enter to up your chances.

That is 5 chances to win!!!

I will use to choose the winner.  You have until Thursday, November 1st at noon to enter.  Winner will be announced on Thursday as well.  Winner must contact me via email {under the contact me tab} and provide me a mailing address by November 8th or I will use to choose a new winner.  Be sure to check back to see if you won!  Winner will be announced in a new post.  Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. 



  1. I'm a new follower on the blog, LOVE your Facebook page!

  2. Done all but don't have a blog ~ Melanie Rutt

  3. Pet Peeve-Laziness! Love the necklace!
    Beth Grove

    1. I liked DD facebook page, left a comment and I follow you on FB and your blog, keep up the good work!

  4. I liked Dazot Dezine's FB. Love their NE pendants!!! Left a comment there that I found them through The Farmer's Wife's blog.

  5. I follow your blog and FB page. My pet peeve is mwen who leave a toilet set up!!! Drives me insane!

  6. Ops...was supposed to leave a seperate comment letting you know I follow your FB page. Done.

  7. I will share your post on my FB. Fixin' to do that now.

  8. Now I have two new sites to follow! Thanks!

  9. I liked Dazcot Dezigns and just got my necklace from her in the mail last week...LOVE it! But would love another one for a gift! :)

  10. I am following you on facebook!!

  11. Greetings, have loved Dazcot Dezigns for a long time and this blog looks fabulous!

  12. I already like Dazcot Dezign! Now I have "liked" you on FB too!

  13. recent fb follower...first time on your blog. My pet peeve is not wiping your feet on the rug before you enter a home...

  14. I absolutely LOVE your blog! My favorites are your recipes and the funny adventures on the farm! :) My pet peeve is someone talking on the phone or texting when you are trying to carry on a conversation.

    1. This is Christine Lamb by the way! :)

    2. Liked Dazcot Dezign and left a comment there, commented here, share the giveaway and I liked your page on FB!! :))

  15. Hello!!! Love love this necklace and love everything about your blog.... My pet peeve is when an adult can't pick up after themselves.

  16. I've liked you on facebook (and had many conversations about the Huskers, our kid$ and their expen$ive Chri$tma$ li$t$!, etc.)

  17. My pet peeve (besides an empty toilet paper roll ;) would probably be when someone takes out the trash but doesn't put a new bag in! It's not really a big deal but I feel if you want to help me out, do it all the way, lol

  18. Liked Dazcot Dezign on Facebook, and left a comment on their wall. =)

  19. Follow you on Facebook

  20. Shared this post on my Facebook page! =)

  21. Follow your blog also =)

  22. I'm their fan on fb. Happily following you :) Thanks for joining Market Your Biz and Giveaways!

  23. Hi, thanks for sharing this with us. I follow you on facebook. I "liked" Dazcot Dezign, now i'm going to check out the products.

  24. I liked Dazcot Dezign's Facebook page-- awesome stuff!!

  25. I already follow your blog-- pet peeve would be not taking your shoes off when you go inside the house!

  26. I follow you on Facebook too.

  27. I shared this post on Facebook.

  28. I shared the giveaway on my own blog,

  29. checked out her site!!...I SURE HOPE I WIN!!!!.....

  30. Pet son not turning off the kitchen light.

  31. I love following you on facebook!

  32. I shared your giveaway on facebook...

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