
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Roasted Potatoes Carrots & Onions

I had planned on posting this recipe a couple days ago, but I was hit INSTANTLY with the flu bug that is going around.  My youngest daughter has been sick since Monday, then my oldest daughter came home from school not feeling well on Tuesday.  I was keeping up with my youngest daughters demands request for a drink every 10 minutes and keeping her wash cloth wet {with REALLY cold water....imagine an 8 year old with a high pitched squeal giving you those instructions...she really is sweet} that she placed on her forehead and neck.  I gave them their fever reducer as directed.....cause I am super mom {insert laugh here}.  Then it hit me one moment I was fine and the next I just hurt.  My joints ache, I spiked a high fever, and my tonsils feel like they are bulging from my neck.  Needless to say, I spent the next 2 days in bed.  At one point I had to ask my hubs what day it was because all I have felt like doing is sleeping.  My hubs was so kind and got some medicine for me and checked in on us "sickies" throughout the day.  He is a great nurse!!!

I am still sick and running a low fever of 100 down from 103.6, my body is still aching, and my tonsils are the size of Texas, but I have managed to get out of bed.  Now that is improvement!!!  I so badly want to go out and enjoy this fantastic weather we are having, but I am just not feeling good enough.  Ugh!!!  But, good for you, I am able to sit here in my recliner with my computer perched on my lap to share this yummy recipe with you.

Roasted vegetables are so easy.

Preheat oven 475 degrees

I used:
2lbs Carrots
6 Potatoes
1 Vidalia onion
3 Cloves garlic
6 Tbsp Olive oil
1/2 Tsp Dried thyme
1/2 Tsp Dried Parsley
Salt & Pepper to taste

Peel carrots, cut into bite size pieces.  Dice potatoes into bite size pieces leaving the skin on.  Cut onion into eighths.  Mince the garlic.  Combine carrots, potatoes, and onion in a large bowl.  Drizzle olive oil over vegetables, add garlic, thyme, parsley, salt, and pepper.  Toss until the vegetables are covered in olive oil and seasoning.  Place on a cookie sheet in a single layer and cover with foil.  Roast for 45 minutes.  Remove foil and continue roasting another 30 minutes {or until your desired crispness is achieved} stirring every 10 minutes.  Serve.



  1. I love recipe chock full of veggies! I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well. My mom had it last week. Thank God I avoided her! Feel better soon!

  2. Those vegies look delicious!
    I've just popped over to follow you from Sew Many Ways "Find a Friend Friday" linky. It looks like we'd have a bit in common, we live on a bit of land and enjoy the country life and I've got four munchkins too!
    I hope you are feeling better soon!

  3. So sorry you go "the bug". I always say that moms should be "immune" from getting sick.

    This recipe looks delish! I just roasted some asparagus with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper and it was a huge hit. We've had it theree times in the last ten days! Yum!

  4. this si good and tasty never have roasted veggies so much better for us then the cooking water method

  5. Olive Oil smoke point ranges from 390 to about 460. Pretty sure you're off your rocker by cooking these at 475.

    1. always has to be a rude one, if you dont like the recipe why dont you just stay away from the page.

  6. All my vegetables burnt at 40 minutes...and yes I covered it in foil :(

  7. I agree the oven temperature is too high. I cook mine to begin in oven proof frying pan with olive oil and toss to coat, cook on medium for about 10 minutes then finish in a 375 degree oven for 10 - 15 minutes. They are perfect.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I loved it! I'm surprised how good it was. Now I have a healthy go to recipe. Thanks so much for sharing this!


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