
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Drilling Wheat

As we gear up for fall there is a lot that has to be done on the farm.  It is time for the winter wheat crop to be drilled and corn harvest has started as of yesterday.  BUSY BUSY BUSY!!!!!!.  I love fall and cooler temperatures....although yesterday it was 94 degrees here and it felt more like wheat harvest than corn harvest.

Drilling wheat this year for my hubs was extremely exciting, but also bitter sweet.  Here is the drill when my hubs was getting it all hooked up and ready for the field.

Not much goes on around the farm without a few kids "on the job"!!!

This is what was most exciting for my hubs.  Can you tell that this drill is brand new?  This was the first piece of brand spankin' new farm equipment that my hubs has got "break in".  It would be comparable to driving a brand new car off the lot.....oh that is not exciting for about a brand new Coach purse????

Here my hubs is filling it with seed wheat.

After the drill was full of seed wheat he went and made a couple rounds.  Here is my hubs and Uncle Dennis checking the ground to see how well the drill is putting the seed wheat in the ground.

My hubs was truly on cloud nine when he was drilling.  I went and rode with him in his big green tractor and he told me what an awesome time he was having in the field, but also said he wished his Dad could be here to see it.  My father-in-law loved wheat and every aspect of it from drilling to harvest.  I told my hubs his Dad could see....


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cute Clipboard Winner Announced!!

The winner of my Cute Clipboard is Grammy Goodwill!!!!  Please contact me with your mailing address!!!

Thank you to all my readers!!!  I love reading each and every comment!!!!!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Laboring on Labor Day

I am SOOOO far behind lately.  I am just now getting around to posting what we did on our Labor Day holiday.  Things have been down right hectic around these parts.  School is in full swing and my oldest daughter is out for volleyball which she adores.  Which translates into attending games a couple times a week and then working out a carpool schedule with all the other parents that live in our neck of the woods to pick the kids up from practice.  Which means the carpool saves me trips to town which should allow me to some "extra"time to BLOG cook supper, wash laundry so we don't have to turn our underwear inside out,  and do homework with the kids.  Anyhow, enough about me feeling totally overwhelmed lately.

Our friends called and needed some help working cattle.  I mentioned that it was a holiday to which I got the reply "What is a holiday?"!!  Ummm, yeah....what is a holiday when you live and work on a farm.  Livestock must be fed and cared for everyday.....get this....EVEN on holidays!!!!!  Which translates into absolutely NO days, zilch, none!!!!!

So we gathered up the kids, saddled the horses, and headed to help our friends.  When you are with friends it doesn't seem like work.  It is just another social event in which work happens to get done.  It really is the best of both worlds!!!!!!!

The first bunch of cattle is gathered and they are headed to the corral.

 What a beautiful site.  That's my oldest girl on the right.

 Here she is bringing up the rear.

 The cattle thought they would try to take off, but we got around them and headed back in the right direction.

 Had to share this photo because it looks like someone is about to be headed.

 We made it to our destination and had "box" seats with a great view.

 My daughter waiting for the action to start.

 This particular day we ran the cattle through a chute instead of roping and dragging them.

 Texting................the girlfriend I'm!!!

 Pushing the cattle.  This is one job I wouldn't want.  You run the risk of getting kicked and to top it off you end up covered in poop.  It is a good job for these young men...just sayin'!!!

 Done back to work!!!!!!!!!!!

 Look at my girl go!!!

 A bull calf....for more on that click here or for a front row seat to this process click here.

 I love the saying "If Noah had been wise....he would have swatted them two flies."

 Where there are cattle there are flies and lots of them!!!

 When we finished working the cattle we headed out to take them to another pasture.

 That's my hubs and Buck.

 This is probably two of the most orneriest kids I know.  They are good kids!!!!!!!

 My son....he was giving his girlfriend a ride.

Now that is some QUALITY TIME there folks!!!

Happy Trails!!!!!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Veggie Pizza

When we have a get together with our friends this delicious veggie pizza is a staple item that we have often. My friend Sher'rie usually makes, but she was kind enough to share the recipe with me so I made it at our last Husker football party.  Speaking of get togethers...are any of you like us....we get together with 6 or 8 of our closest friends quite often and everything is revolved around food?!?  We all bring an item or two and end up with enough food to feed twenty more people!!!  Don't get me wrong....I looovvveee food, but we are going to have to invite more people and tell them NOT to bring food.  Nah, they better bring something.....we MIGHT run short at our "feed trough" if they don't bring anything.

2 tubes of crescent rolls
2 8oz bricks of cream cheese
1 packet dry Hidden Valley Ranch Dip
1 cup shredded cheese
3-4 cups of your favorite chopped veggies {I used broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and green onion...usually green pepper too, but I didn't have one}

Press the crescent rolls out on a cookie sheet and bake according to directions.  Mix together the cream cheese and ranch packet and spread over cooled crescent rolls.  Top with veggies and cheese.

How simple is that?!?!?!?



Linked to: Crafty Scrappy Happy Be Different Act Normal

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Cute Clipboard Giveaway

Fall is definitely in the air today.  It is down right cold....okay, it is just on the chilly side for this time of year.  With the cooler weather upon us it put me in the mood for soup.  Tonight I made chicken noodle soup to warm me up.  Now that my tummy is full I am curled up on the couch with a blanket and thought I would share my cute clipboard project.

I started with a plain old clipboard and taped off the clip.

Then I used acrylic paint and painted a few inches from the top with a brush.  You could use scrapbook paper if you didn't want paint, but I am not happy until I have to dig paint out from underneath my finger nails.

Allow time for the paint to dry and then cut a piece of scrapbook paper to the size of the clipboard.  Then use Mod-Podge and apply to the backside of the scrapbook paper and apply the paper to the clipboard.  Then use the Mod-Podge and apply on the top side of the scrapbook paper.  Here you can see it is white looking, but it will dry clear.  Don't you just love Mod-Podge?!?!?

Then I cut a piece of scrapbook paper for a border and applied it between the painted part and the paper part.  Tie ribbons to clip for some cuteness.  I used different textures and sizes of know....for some flair!!!  I have four other clipboards similar to this one, but added some vinyl words to them as well.

There you have it....a cutie clipboard!!

Since I have plenty of these little cutie clipboards laying around I thought I would give this one away.  It is a piece of cake to enter.  Simply become one of my precious FOLLOWERS and leave a comment letting me know you did so.  If you already follow my blog, just leave some comment love.  Increase your chances by visiting my PROJECTS page and leave another comment letting me know what your favorite project was.  If projects aren't your cup of tea visit my RECIPE page and let me know what you will be making next.  Winner will be announced next week.

That's all for now!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Remembering 9-11

I am sure we can all remember where we were at and what we were doing at that exact moment on 9-11-01 when the first plane hit.  I could give you all the details about what I was doing, but I am not going to today.  Please remember each and every HERO of 9-11 today and their families.  Please continue to lift up our military as they fight for our great Nation!!!




Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Crock Pot Sweet and Sour Chicken

I love FALL!!!  I love that it cools off at night is and a tid-bit chilly in the morning when we get up.  The days are getting shorter and after a looonnnnggg hot summer on the farm we are all ready for some sleep and I am personally glad that the I will not be drenching my undergarments twice a day from extreme heat.  Corn harvest {which is my absolute favorite harvest} is just around the corner which means I will soon be preparing field meals again.

I have broke out the old crock pot a couple times this week.  Just to give you a visual of my poor old crock pot.....the hubs melted the handle on the stove several years ago so turning it on requires special talent.  I cook a lot in it and it has seen better days, but hey it keeps tickin'!!!  I love that I can throw something together before I walk out the door and then come home and dinner/supper is done when I get home.

Okay, can anyone help me out with this???  The hubs and I disagree on what time DINNER is!!!  I say breakfast, lunch, and supper....and we go out for dinner.  My hubs says breakfast, dinner, and supper.  This caused great misunderstandings in our first few years of marriage.  He would invite someone over for "dinner" and they would show up for "lunch".  So what is the noon meal called....lunch or dinner????  Please help, our next noon meal may depend on it!!!!!!!!!!!!

For SUPPER we had Crock Pot Sweet n Sour chicken.  This is so simple to make.

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 cup water
2 tbsp chili sauce
1/2 cup honey bbq sauce
1 onion, diced
1 small can of pineapple chunks

Place water and chicken in the crock pot.  Place onions over the chicken.  Drain pineapple juice in a bowl and add chili sauce and bbq sauce.  Mix.  Add pineapple chunks over the chicken and then pour sauce mixture over the top.  Cook on low setting for 6 hours.  Serve over rice.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fried Zucchini

I can actually get my kids to eat zucchini by making it this way.  Frying it is not the healthiest, but hey at least it is a vegetable!!!  The fried zucchini has a hint of Italian seasoning in the golden crust.  I top it with parmesan cheese and ranch dressing for extra yumminess!!!!

1 cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
1/3 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 tsp seasoning salt
3 eggs
1/4 cup milk
2-3 zucchini sliced 1/3 inch thick
parmesan cheese for topping
ranch dressing for topping
oil for frying

Beat egg and milk together in a bowl.  Mix bread crumbs, flour, black pepper, and seasoning salt in a separate bowl.  Heat oil (I put enough oil in the pan so it is at least 1 inch deep) in frying pan on medium to high heat or 375 degrees.  While oil is heating dip sliced zucchini in egg and milk mixture and then in the bread mixture coating both sides.  Place breaded zucchini in hot oil and fry each side about 2 minutes or until golden brown.  Remove from oil and top with parmesan cheese and ranch.  Enjoy!!!
