
Friday, August 16, 2013

Fresh Salsa

This is the time of year when gardens are in full swing and producing fresh tomatoes...right??  Yes!!!  Unless it is my garden, then you have yet to harvest anything but a cucumber.  Thankfully, my MIL has a garden so I can "steal" some produce to make delicious fresh salsa!  I do however, have a lot of tomatoes set on and I'm patiently waiting for them to grow and ripen {tick tock tick tock}.

I was asked on TFW's Facebook page to share the recipe for my fresh salsa and I am finally getting around to sharing!  It's been a crazy busy summer and the blog has been "neglected" just a bit.  So if you are here, thanks for hanging with me!  There will be more to come, I promise!

I must admit, I am one of those who just throws stuff together and I don't measure.  I'm going to give you the gist of what I throw in my fresh salsa the best I can.  Of course, I might tweak it a little after I finish by adding a little of this or that.

Basic Fresh Salsa

6 garden tomatoes, seeded and chopped  
1 purple onion, chopped 
3-4 jalapenos, seeded and chopped
3 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 Tbsp lime juice
1/2 cup fresh cilantro or 1 Tbsp dried cilantro
salt & pepper to taste
Sometimes I add a little sugar if I want it sweet...about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl.  Taste and then TWEAK to your liking.  I like to make it ahead of time and let it sit in the refrigerator to allow the flavors to marry.


Sunday, July 7, 2013

Farmers Save Lives

While I sit here on my porch and watch the heat dry up the Earth, which in turn dries up the various crops we have planted I can't help but feel sad.  As I have stated before, we live in a very rural area in Nebraska.  Most people in our area have some sort of agriculture background if they are not currently living the glorious lifestyle of being a farmer.  If they don't have a background in agriculture, you can about guarantee they have a family member or friend close by that farming is their livelihood, they are employed by an ag driven business, or the like.  It is the lifestyle in this area.  

As I sit here and reflect on what kind of production we will have....or sadly, not have... I can't help but feel a bit nervous.  But, being a farmer, it is a risk we take.  We can't control input costs, the markets, and what seems to be our big deal currently...the weather.  Mother Nature has not be kind to us.  In many parts of the United States, other farmers are having to deal with quite the opposite....they are getting too much rain.  Therefore, they can't get their crops in the ground.  Or, if they have been lucky enough to snag some dry days to plant, they have been hit with torrential rain again that has washed away their seeds....leaving them no choice, but to double their input cost and replant.  I don't know why Mother Nature can't drop a nice even inch of rain once a week across the fields....would that be too much to ask!  Ha!!!!

As I think about our lack of moisture, and other farmers plethora of rain I can't help but realize this could be a problem.  This would not be a problem most would be thinking about, but for us individuals in the agricultural world....we do!  What if there were no crops here in the U.S?!?!  Yes, we import.  Since the entire country is not going to lose its crops, it won't be a problem.  There could be a shortage, but there will be another year, hopefully some rain, and with any luck.... a bountiful harvest.  

My hubs has always said, and I 100% agree, "that farming is the backbone of this country!"  Think about it, I can live without my obsession of beautiful designer purses, but I CANNOT live without food!!!  Therefore, as I sit here on my porch watching the heat beam down, and listening to my sprinkler run on my struggling grass I have come to the conclusion that FARMERS SAVE LIVES......3 SQUARES A DAY!  


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Generic Post...Brain Fried...{a vacation would help}

I have had a little too much going on lately... at least it feels that way.  Summer is in full swing and I seem to pick one kid up at camp to drop another one off the next day.  Then, while I am off on a camp adventure I still have a kid or two with something like swimming lessons going on at home.  Throw in a couple other stops for parts and dinner too.  Needless to say, if I'm not coming....then I am going.  From all directions {kiddos and hubs} I hear... could you... would you... I need you to.... and WILL.  Who can relate?   I used to think I would figure out a way to balance it all, but I have long give up on that.  I don't have the energy so I just try... and I do mean TRY  to go with the flow.  My brain is on overload.... so much that I couldn't decide what to title this post! Ha!

I think what I need is a little vacation.  I mentioned this trip to my hubs, but he didn't seem as interested in going as I am!  Plus, it's a year away and I think I need a vacation sooner rather than later.  Then again, maybe I just need a maid to keep up with my house that is lacking attention...which drives me crazy.  Heck, I need BOTH!!!  

I guess between now and my vacation {which is non-existent at this moment} I will just.....

PS:  If anyone is interested in booking me a spot on the above for mentioned vacation, I am NOT OPPOSED...just let me know and I will pack my bags!!  Haha!


Friday, June 7, 2013

3-2-1 Cucumber Salad

3 Cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 1 onion, and a couple other ingredients and you have yourself a delicious summertime salad.  I can't wait to make this with my fresh produce...once my garden starts producing!!!

This is one of my Hubs favorites.  It is also a salad that I deliver to the field often.  It has a nice creamy sauce topping the refreshing veggies and accompanies most meals.  

3 cucumbers, diced
2 tomatoes, diced
1 onion, diced
1 Cup Mayo
2 Tbsp. Sugar
1 tsp. Dill Weed
Salt & Pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients.  Chill before serving.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Peanut Butter Protein Shake

I have mentioned on The Farmer's Wife Facebook page that I joined a boot camp!  I can't believe that I am in LOVE with exercise!  Okay, that might be going a little too far!  I do look forward to my class and I am bummed my class is already over.  There will be another one offered in July and you can bet the farm on it that I will attend.  Exercise makes me feel good...mentally, it gives me some social time with my friends that attend, and my body is defiantly benefiting from it!!

I shared my new breakfast go-to shake over at Her View From Home.  Please click here for the recipe.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It Finally Happened......

Do you all remember the last family photo I posted here on The Farmer's Wife?  Well, if not please read this post here.  That was over TWO years ago!!

Last weekend we attended a wedding of one of our hired hands.  Our son was asked to be RING SECURITY, so I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to finally get a "real" family photo.  We would all be in the same place at the same time AND we all would be spiffed up as well....especially my son in his cute little tux!!!!  The reception was held at the bride's parents home which was gorgeous and there were plenty of scenic choices to for us to finally get that overdue family photo!

Typical photo sessions with my kids usually go like this....

Or.... a couple of them try to hard at achieving the perfect smile.... {I still like this picture though}

And then we sometimes luck out and get a nice shot!

That is me and my clan....LOVE THEM!!!

A special thanks to our friend Calvin for taking our family picture {I know these people, and they are not the easiest family to work with...haha}.

You can check out my latest adventure here.  Yes, I branched out with yet another job to add to my resume.  It's a little something I have a passion for and truly enjoy.  If you like me work, please like my page.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

You Know You Are A Farmer's Wife When.... part 2

I felt it was time for another round of:

If you would like to check out my first round round click here!


Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fresh Strawberry Pie

We are enjoying some Spring weather! HAPPY DANCE!!!  Winter has been around here for too long! With the gorgeous day we had yesterday I decided to make a fresh strawberry pie.  It FINALLY feels like S~P~R~I~N~G!  The gorgeous weather does a lot for one.  I will tell you I was getting a little grumpy with the cold dreary snow that showed its face the last several weeks.  

Today {since it is already gorgeous out as I type this at 7am}, I am going to take the kids and visit our local greenhouse to get this years garden plants.   I have a very small raised garden.  The hubs plans on building me another one because he wants more tomatoes... which is fine by me!  I am deathly afraid of snakes, so with a raised garden I feel that they are less likely to be in MY space! Ha!  My oldest daughter wants a strawberry bed as well.  Which leads me to my pie....

No, these strawberries are not from my garden or my MIL's or my friends, which is where I usually snag them from.  It's been too cold this year to enjoy garden strawberries.  I did buy these at my fabulous little grocery store!  I love my store!  If you have read my blog over the years you have probably heard me mention this several times.  In fact, I talked with my grocer about blogging a trip to the store and he said to go for it.  So maybe someday I will take you shopping with me and ya'll can say hi to Bruce....1. 2. 3.  Hi Bruce!!! {sorry, that was a Finding Nemo quote}

The pie.... {I can't focus this morning}

This recipe is for 2 pies.  Only want 1 half the recipe.

2  9" baked pie shells
1 8oz pkg. Cream Cheese
1 Cup Powdered Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
3 Quarts Strawberries
2 Cups Sugar
4 Tbsp White Karo Corn Syrup
2 Cups Water
1 3 oz. Pkg. Strawberry Jell-o
1/4 Cup PLUS 2 Tbsp Cornstarch 
1 tsp Salt

Beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, and vanilla until well blended.  Divide mixture equally and spread over both pie shells.  Cook sugar corn syrup, water, cornstarch, and salt over medium heat until thick, add jell-o and combine.  Allow to cool.  While mixture cools, wash, hull, and slice the strawberries.  Arrange strawberries in both pie shells.  Pour mixture jell-o mixture over strawberries and refrigerate.  Top pie with your favorite whipped topping.     


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Monster Cookie Bars

I shared the recipe for Monster Cookie Bars over at Her View From Home.  They are a great alternative when you aren't up to making the traditional monster cookies.  Everyone loves a quick easy recipe, right!!!  

These cookie bars are very soft and full of my favorite food group....chocolate!  I will defiantly be making them this summer for a field meal dessert!!!!


Monday, April 15, 2013

I'm Going To Become A Hoarder...{and a recipe}

If you follow me on Facebook, you probably saw the question I asked about chocolate chips.  I prefer milk chocolate chips except when it comes to things like chocolate dipped strawberries.  The semi-sweet work much better for that.  I am an addict of chocolate.  The problem being, is my entire household is too.  This can be a serious frustration folks!!!!  I will explain.....

The other night, I was craving a nibble of cookie dough and one....just ONE... fresh baked chocolate chip cookie.  That is ALL I wanted!!!  This is no problem because I'm the type of person that if I want something, I will make it.  So, I started grabbing the ingredients to make cookies.  I went to the freezer where I keep my chocolate chips and I could not find any.  That was okay, because I know that I have a chocolate loving household and they find it necessary to walk by the freezer and grab a handful of chocolate chips whenever they want.  It happens everyday!  I decided I would start hiding a bag of chocolate chips so that when I was in NEED of know...for baking, I would have some.  I went to the cabinet where I stashed an extra bag and when I couldn't find them I went into chocolate shock!!!  Ugh!!!  I was so darn frustrated.  It was one of those "crabby cravings" I guess.  When my hubs got home I explained that I wanted to make chocolate chips and I purposely hid a bag for this very occasion.  To which he replied to me "whelp, I found em".

It is apparent that in this house chocolate chips are a hot commodity.  The last time I went to the store I picked up 4 bags of the hot item.  When I got home and put the groceries away I decided I will put 2 bags in the freezer and try another attempt at hiding the other bags.  At this point, I decided maybe I should become a hoarder of chocolate chips!

What is a hoarder?

hoard |hôrd|nounstock or store of money or valued objectstypically one that is secret or carefully guarded he came back to rescue his little hoard of gold.• an ancient store of coins or other valuable artifacts hoard of Romano-British bronzes.• an amassed store of useful information or facts, retained for future use a hoard of secret information about his work.verb [ trans. ]amass (money or valued objects) and hide or store away thousands of antiques hoarded by a compulsive collector.• accumulate a supply of (something) in a time of scarcity many of the boat people had hoarded rations.• reserve in the mind for future use [as adj. ( hoarded) a year's worth of hoarded resentments and grudges.

Yep, I think that is what I need to become!

  I began thinking of places I could "hoard" my precious milk chocolate chips.  Where you might ask?  Well here is a few places I thought my family may never find them:

1. I could put some by the toilet paper.  I swear I am the only one that can put a new roll back on the holder so they would likely never find them there.
2.   The laundry room....need I explain more!
3.  My sock drawer.  If you see me with melted chocolate on my socks....don't judge!
4.  With the cleaning supplies....another one I don't need to explain.

This list is just a start, if you have a suggestion I would love to hear it.  It might save me from another chocolate shock!

Since my fresh baked cookie craving wasn't going to leave I ended up making Reece's Cookies.

Reese's Cookies are actually delicious!  They did help with my cookie craving.

You can find the recipe on the back of a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Chips, but I will share it with you here as well.

2 Cups All Purpose Flour
3/4 Cup Cocoa
1 tsp Baking Soda
1/2 tsp Salt
1 1/4 Cups Butter, softened
2 Cups Sugar
2 Eggs
2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1 pkg. Reese's Peanut Butter Chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Stir together the flour, baking soda, and salt.  Beat butter and sugar in large bowl with mixer until fluffy.  Add eggs and vanilla, beat well.  Stir in peanut butter chips.

Drop by rounded teaspoons onto an ungreased cookie sheet.  Bake 8-9 minutes.  

P.S.  If you ever watch Hoarders on TV and they air an episode about a chocolate hoarder please know I had do it for myself!!!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Remembering 10 Years Ago {a personal story}

I am going to take you back 10 years ago today.

On April 11th, 2003, I woke up and got ready for the day.  My co-workers and I had a dental meeting in Kearney.  I was not thrilled to go because they are usually not very fun, and I was 7 months pregnant and had a lot of leg pain (which I later found out were blood clots).  But, me being me, I put on my happy face and headed to meet my co-workers in a nearby small town so we could travel together.  Our road trips are usually pretty entertaining so that makes up for boring meetings!

When we arrived at the hotel where our meeting was held, the speaker was a female.  They usually seem to be men, so it was a nice change.  I noticed she had a saucer and tea cup sitting on the podium.  I thought, she must be English and likes her tea...haha!  I don't remember her name, but I remember the words she spoke that day and they stuck with me.  I'm sure she spoke about dental terms and such, but that is not what struck me.  This lady was very open about her life and the fact her mother had been suffering from Alzheimers.  I remember the gal speaking of the fact her mother had this disease and somedays her mother didn't know who she was.  I thought to myself, how terrible of a feeling that would be to not have your mom know you.  This gal had my attention the entire time.  I never felt like I was at a dental meeting, but more of an uplifting service at church.  This lady was so positive despite going through a battle with her mother.  She talked about her faith in God and also her trust in him.  She mentioned her favorite scripture from Isaiah (I can't remember off the top of my head which one) and gave us a little piece of laminated paper with the scripture on it.  I stuck it in my wallet and carried it for many years.  Then, the non English woman picked up the saucer and tea cup.  She read this poem to us.  

Drinking From My Saucer

I've never made a fortune
and it's probably too late now.
But I don't worry about that much,
I'm happy anyhow.

And as I go along life's way,
I'm reaping better than I sowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

I haven't got a lot of riches,
and sometimes the going's tough.
But I've got loved ones around me,
and that makes me rich enough.

I thank God for his blessings,
and the mercies He's bestowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'cause my cup has overflowed.

I remember times when things went wrong,
My faith wore somewhat thin.
But all at once the dark clouds broke,
and the sun peeped through again.

So God, help me not to gripe about
the tough rows that I've hoed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

If God gives me strength and courage,
when the way grows steep and rough.
I'll not ask for other blessings,
I'm already blessed enough.

And may I never be too busy,
to help others bear their loads.
Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed.

Author unknown

This dental meeting was the best one I have ever been at.  I'm sure there will never be one to top it.  My co-workers and I made the trip back home discussing the meeting and we all agreed it was very good.  When they dropped me off at my car I called my husband.  I remember telling my husband what an awesome meeting it was.  I explained what a faith based speaker she was and that I left feeling totally blessed.  I talked about how you never know when God will use someone to touch your life.  I remember going on and on and him being unusually quiet, but figured he was probably tired.

When I was passing through town, it was very obvious my pregnant bladder was not going to last any longer.  I decided to stop at my sister in laws house to use the bathroom.  I also thought if she was home I could share about the awesome meeting I had that day.  I stormed into her house running for the bathroom.  My SIL wasn't home, but my brother in law Kyle was.  He told me something that didn't register right away.  He told me that our niece had passed away.  I remember a million things running through my head in a matter of seconds.  I remember repeating what he just told to only have him verify it again.  The tears started flowing and got in my car and headed home thinking this COULD NOT be real!!!

When I arrived home, my husband greeted me.  He expected he would have to tell me the news, but it was quite obvious by looking at me that I had already learned of our nieces death.  I can't even begin to describe the feelings and emotions of that day.  At one point I was on cloud 9 knowing that the God I serve is awesome and on another point I was mad at him for taking my precious baby niece home.  My husband told me he couldn't  bear to tell me the news over the phone especially since I was so excited about the great day I had.

As we cried, my husband and I reflected back on our prior week.  We had taken the kids and went to visit my BIL, SIL, and our 2 nieces.  We had a fabulous time of hanging out, playing cards, and my SIL and I took the girls shopping.  My niece Abigail hit 6 months old and we cheered her on as she began sitting up by herself.  I remember my brother in law being most excited about his daughters latest accomplishment!  My SIL and I discussed how different kids can be as we both had a baby with colic and now Abigail seemed so mellow.  I remember we grilled at their house and it was pretty nice out so we ate out on the patio taking in precious family time.  The older girls ran around and played in the yard.  I took some snapshots of our evening.  LIFE was good and we enjoyed our visit!  Little did we know, we would be back to visit them so soon.

My husband called his sister to give her our sympathies.  We didn't know what to say.  He let her know that we were packing our bags and would be headed up to their place as soon as possible.  We had over a three our drive to get there which allowed us time to reflect on our precious nieces short life.....which also involved an entire box of kleenex

When we arrived, you could feel the sadness and the lack of presence of Abby.  Our entire close knit family was together, but lacking.  I remember hugging my sister in law and telling her to remember the precious 6 months and 8 days she got to cherish with her daughter.  The next several days we planned her funeral.  We had picked up windmills for all the kids to place at her grave.  We were in the middle of a huge drought and that night of her funeral it rained!!!  I remember all of our family sitting in the kitchen when the raindrops started to fall and a smile came over all of our faces and we talked about how Abby must have some "pull" up there in heaven to send us much needed moisture. 

For the next week we remained in Sidney to be with our family.  Later in the week we learned that Sudden Infant Death Sydrome is what caused Abby's passing.  In the days, weeks, months, and years since Abby went to be with Jesus, we have had to learn to deal with the many stages of grieving.  Our family has learned that everyone is in a different stage at a different time.  This makes things difficult to understand, but all in all we have remained supportive of one another.  We have learned to deal with the emotional roller coaster that LIFE deals us and have stayed a strong close knit family since. 

There isn't a day that goes by that we don't remember this precious big blue eyed Angel.  To be honest, quite often we say "If Abby were only here...".  It is hard!!!  It has be 10 years ago and time does help heal, but I will tell you today, it feels like April 11th 2003 as I am flooded with emotions from that very day.

I am so thankful for our families faith in God and that we have each other to lean on in times like this.  It makes me aware that "my cup has overflowed".

We all miss you Abigail Marie and love you sooo sooooo much!!!  We will see you again one day.

The Farmer's Wife

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

No Bake "Cow Pie" Cookies

These Cow Pie Cookies are my go to sweet treat when I'm short on time in the middle of a big ole chocolate craving.  If you are not a great baker, I guarantee you can make these.  Well, that is if you can boil water....or the ingredients in this case.

2 Cups Sugar
4 Tbsp Cocoa
1 Stick Butter
1/2 Cup Milk
1 Cup Peanut Butter
1 tsp Vanilla
3 Cups Quick Oats

In a saucepan bring to boil the sugar, cocoa, butter and milk.  Boil for 1 minute.  Remove from heat.  Then add the vanilla and peanut butter and stir until peanut butter is melted.  In a large bowl combine the oatmeal and chocolate mixture.  On a sheet pan line with wax paper, drop by spoonfuls and allow to harden.   I've been known to stick them in the refrigerator or freezer to speed up the that process....remember, I crave chocolate.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Calf Being Born

The hubs called me tonight and asked if myself and my daughter could come help pull a calf.  Like a nice wife, I agreed to head over to help.  He told me he was going to go to the shop and grab the pullers.  I told him I had to change my clothes and we would head right over.  I had to take off my comfy yoga pants and put on a pair of jeans.  I considered wearing my yoga pants, but then I didn't want to ruin a perfectly good pair of yoga pants.  Don't you love yoga pants?!?

When my daughter and I got to the farm my hubs was watching the heifer {meaning she has not had a calf yet in her lifetime}.  She was laying down and pushing with all her might.  When we approached the heifer she got up and pushed.  And then....well, watch.....

The heifer seemed a little confused at first, but she made her way over to her newborn calf to clean him {or her} up.  Sometimes, first calf heifers aren't so loving and won't claim the calf.  If that happens, it means I would have a bottle baby calf.  So far, we haven't had any bottle babies this year.  We did bottle feed one calf, but after a while the heifer decided she liked the little guy and decided to let him nurse.   

  I love seeing baby calves born and this gal was kind enough to let me stand 10 feet away and watch.  The other heifers would come over and sniff the calf, but eventually leave.  I'll tell ya, it takes a village to raise a calf or maybe I should say herd!

So we did not have to pull calf which is always a plus!  Guess I should have left those yoga pants on!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Meaty Cornbread Casserole

Do you ever go to your pantry and look for something to make and you can't decide on anything?  Yeah, I was at a loss the other day so I decided to throw some stuff together in hopes that it turned out.

I grabbed the following:

1 box of corn muffin mix
1 can of pinto beans
1 can of Ro-Tel tomatoes
Worcestershire sauce
Chili powder
1 package of Ranch dip
1 small onion
1 green pepper
2 cloves of garlic
1 pound of hamburger

Then later I grabbed:
1 8oz. can of tomato sauce
1 cup of shredded cheese

I diced the green pepper and onion and minced the garlic.  I browned the hamburger with onion and green pepper and then added the garlic when the meat was almost done.  Then I added the tomatoes, drained pinto beans, a couple dashes of Worcestershire sauce, a tablespoon of chili powder, and the dry Ranch packet.  It seemed to be a little dry, so I added a small can of tomato sauce and allowed the mixture to simmer about 5 minutes.

Next, I transferred the mixture into a sprayed baking dish.  Topped it with cheese and the topped it with the prepared corn muffin mix and baked at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes. 

The cornbread will look nice and golden brown when it is finished.

Sorry for the horrible picture, but this is what I ended up with.

My hubs described it as thick chili with corn bread on top.  It had a little kick to it and wasn't too bad for my latest concoction!!!  


Monday, March 4, 2013

The Herd....well a few of them!

I thought I would share some pictures of the mama cows and their adorable babies during a recent winter storm. Yeah, that's all!!

It was so cute watching the baby calves pounce around in the snow.  I think they really wanted to build a snowman!!!  Maybe, they wanted to make snow angels.  It was hard to tell for sure.

And this lady was trying to sport her best camouflage trying to blend in with the scenery, but I have an eye and spotted her anyway!!!  

Oh, then there is this gal, not to be confused with the prior camo mama!!!  She was clearly upset that I shot the picture from her bad side.  I'm sure when I show it to her she is going to go on a crash diet.  Pictures do that to us ladies!!!

As much as I have an itch for spring to arrive, I am grateful for the moisture in whatever form God decided to give us.  It was a beautiful wet snow and made for moments like these a few days later...

Yep, the glorious sight I get to admire living in the country!!!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Caramel Cinnamon Rolls

During the winter storm the other day I posted a picture of some cinnamon rolls on my Facebook page.  I have had several requests for the recipe so I thought I would share it!!!  There is nothing better than fresh warm cinnamon rolls with a gooey caramel topping to comfort you during a cold blizzard...oh, and sweatpants!!!

You will need:

2 loaves of frozen bread dough {YEP, I cheated}
3 Sticks of Butter {hope you are not worried about your diet}
Brown Sugar
White Sugar
Vanilla Ice Cream

Thaw your bread according to the package directions.  With a rolling pin, roll the dough out about 1/4 of an inch thick in an oval shape on a floured surface.  I use 2 loaves so I do all of these steps twice or in twos...make sense.  Take one stick of softened butter and smear over the dough {using half on each loaf}.  Sprinkle cinnamon over the top of the butter {about 2 TBSP per loaf}.  Then lightly sprinkle some brown sugar over the cinnamon.  You will probably use about 1/2 cup of brown sugar per loaf.  Roll the dough up so you have a long tube.  Cut the rolls so they are about 3/4 of an inch thick.  You should get 12 rolls per loaf.  Transfer the rolls to a greased 9x13 pan {so 2 pans}.

For the gooey goodness....

In a sauce pan, melt 2 sticks of butter and 1 to 1 1/2 cups of ice cream.  Add 1 cup each of brown sugar and white sugar.  Bring to a boil for 1 minute.  Pour mixture evenly over the 2 pans of cinnamon rolls.  Allow the rolls to rise at room temperature until they are almost double in size.   I set mine on top of my stove while my oven preheats which helps them rise. 

Preheat oven to 350.  Bake for 25-30 minutes.  When rolls are finished allow them to cool a few minutes then flip them out on a cookie sheet and allow to cool completely {ah, who am I kidding...allow them to cool until they won't burn your mouth}.  ENJOY!!!

If you want to prepare these the evening before you can.  Just don't let them rise at room temperature, but instead cover them with saran wrap sprayed with cooking spray and place in the refrigerator overnight.  They will slowly rise overnight and will be ready to pop in the oven in the morning.  


Saturday, February 23, 2013

DIY $2 Metal Letter

Want to find out how I made this $2 metal letter?  Yeah, I thought so!!!

Hop on over here and I will show you how!!!


Monday, February 11, 2013

Maybe the BEST Brownies Ever!!!

Probably like many of you, I am addicted to Pinterest.  The worst part about Pinterest (other than it can consume too much of time) is that when I see a delicious looking food pin, I make it.  Okay, so it is not bad that I make things from Pinterest, but being a chocolate lover I don't need to consume more calories!  Ugh, I admit.... I have a HUGE sweet tooth.

Moving on, my friend pinned these little jewels and I knew I had to make them.  Ohhh my, they are so yummy!!!  They are really sweet so I advise drinking a cold glass of milk with them.


You can find the original recipe HERE along with a bunch of others!!!  Check it out!!!  I did alter my peanut butter dough recipe just a little.

9x13 pan of brownies baked and cooled 
1/4 cup salted butter, softened
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 & 1/4 cups plain m&m's

Mix peanut butter and butter until smooth.  Add sugar and brown sugar and mix until smooth.  Add milk and vanilla and continue mixing until smooth.  Add the flour and mix until smooth.  Fold in the M&M's or sprinkle them on top of the peanut butter dough after you spread it over the brownies.

The original recipe called for 2 cups of flour and pretzel M&M's.  



Thursday, January 24, 2013

Giveaway Winner Announced

The lucky winner of The Pioneer Woman cookbook is.......

Comment Number

Congrats goes to Sandra LeAnne with her comment:

  Please contact me with your information.