
Saturday, May 12, 2012

HELP....Any Hobby Lobby Shoppers Out There???

I am in desperate need of anyone who might be shopping at Hobby Lobby!  Anyone shop there?  Well, I have an upcoming project and it is currently on hold because of one little garden trellis {okay, not that a garden trellis is holding it up, but it is my next project and it won't be complete without it}.  I don't want to spoil the fun and tell you what I am using this for, but I am in need of FOUR count em' F~O~U~R of these and I only have three.  

Where did I get three?  Well, let me tell you.  The first one I picked up when my SIL and I went on a supply run to Kearney for the kitchen project {which is really coming together and it is stunning}.  I wasn't shopping for a garden trellis, but when I saw it I knew I could make it in to something I have been on the lookout for.  It was $27.99 and it was 40% off...SCORE!!  I asked one of the employees at the store to check and see if they had any more, but no luck...they didn't.  The second one my SIL picked up in Cheyenne, WY while on another supply run when she was back in her hometown.  The third one, my cousin picked up for me in Omaha.  IT TAKES A VILLAGE TO BUY FOUR!!!  I called three other stores in Nebraska and none of them had the trellis.  One employee from Hobby Lobby told me to check back on Monday because that is when the truck delivers to the store.  I also got online and contacted Hobby Lobby to see if they could locate one for me.  They informed me since it is a seasonal item they have no way of tracking whether or not a store has any in stock or if more would be shipped out.  REALLY!!

My other SIL was shopping in Kearney today and she stopped by to see if they had one in yet, but still no luck.  I was pondering where in the world I might find one and thought all of my lovely blog readers might be able to help me out.

Here is my plea...
If you are shopping at Hobby Lobby and wouldn't mind swinging down their Spring Shop isles and glancing to see if they have just one of these lovely garden trellis' I would be forever grateful!!!  If they do, would you please send me an email {under the contact me tab at the top of my blog} with the stores phone number so I can call them and beg them to ship it to me.  

Here is the tag info:



  1. I'll check it out for you sometime this week. But I'm in Ohio; do you think they'd still ship to you? Let me know if someone else finds you one.... ~Rachel @ The Olde Farmhouse on Windmill Hill

  2. The Hobby Lobby in Lima, OH has ONE. And it doesn't have a tag. :( I'm sure it's the same as this one, though. Don't know if this helps you or not but I was at HobLob for something else today and remembered to look. :)

  3. Rachel, THANK YOU so much for taking the time to check into my trellis issue. I am going to call the HL in Lima tomorrow and see what I can get done!!!

  4. The one in Kearney didn't have one this last weekend. At least not from what I could see. But it looked like they have other colors now too. And...also, they have a ton of their home decor stuff at 60+% off!!! I didn't see anything wrong with most of it, I was kind of surprised! I got some things I've had my eye on for a while now.
    Good luck!


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