
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Old Ladder

I really want a flower box below my window.  When I see a house with a flower box flowing with vibrant flowers it makes me want one....okay so I am jealous I don't have one.  The hubs has a bunch of old wood in the shop and I think he should build me now {but he is busy planting}.

Another great thing about living on a farm is there is lots of "junk" E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E!!!  We have several old sheds full of stuff so I decided to scope them out awhile back to see if there were any hidden treasures.  I was super excited when I found this old ladder.

And I was thrilled to find these old rusty pails.

I had no idea what I was going to do with the ladder or the pails, but I like them and figured I would think of something.....someday.

I mowed the yard this morning and then started pulling weeds in my flower bed and then it hit me.  I knew what I was going to do with my old ladder and rusty pails.

This is our the back side of our house.  Notice the trim around the window is not painted.  I have only put that off for 2 years.  It was gorgeous out today so I decided to tackle that project.  I spent the whole day outside working and got a sunburn on my arms.

I had to make another trip to the shop for some wire and while I was there I found this old watering can and another old pail.

Sorry it is a bad picture, but I decided to make it a planter.

Then I used the old ladder and did this.

And this.

And this with the last pail.

And now my back yard looks like this.

I am excited for my flowers to grow so I will have petunias flowing down my ladder.  I need to get some flowers for my hanging basket too.

So needless to farmer's junk is his wife's treasure!!!!!!!  It is not quite a flower box, but will work until I can get one made!!!

Here is an update of how things have grown the last 3 weeks!!

The Farmer's Wife

PS While I had the primer and paint out I decided to tackle another project.  Stay tuned for that turned out cute!!!

Linked up to: Little Lucy Lu ,


  1. Cute! My mom has an old ladder in her house that she has quilts/blankets folded up and hanging on. It looks pretty neat too! BTW~ You must be "nesting" like me! :)

  2. i love it,, what a great way to use the ladder and add some color/flowers to your yard. I need to look for an old ladder now.

  3. Love it! I have an old ladder I rescued from a ranch we used to live on. It has a rung missing in the most perfect spot and its outside leaning up against the house with a cheery red geranium hanging in that spot. That equals love. : )

  4. Love this!
    I LOVE old ladder projects!!!
    Thanks for linking up!
    ~Bec :-)

  5. I love this! I'd like to invite you to post it on Masterpiece Monday at Boogieboard Cottage. The link will be up all week, I hope you can join in. Have a nice week, Mary :O)

  6. What a fun idea! A great way to use that gorgeous old ladder!

  7. How perfect! Just love the way you hung the planters on it!

  8. What a great idea. I love old ladders and hanging the pails is so cute!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thank you all for your nice comments!!! I love to read them!!!

  11. Fabulous - I love it! I linked this to my ladders post too, well done!

  12. This is soooo unique, I am going to be on the lookout for an old wooden ladder now! You have some of the cutest ideas out there, thanks for sharing them with us!

  13. Just joined in as a follower, formally known as "Sue" in posts...just love your blog and know I will enjoy visiting often!

  14. So cute! Tomorrow, I'm getting our ladder out of our barn and totally copying you! I also like how you're so positive with describing all the Junk everywhere!

  15. Thanks so much for stopping by The Cozy Old Farmhouse and commenting on my fun Friday finds. How ironic and funny that you sent me the link to this particular post because I actually already commented on it last year. I was the 3rd commenter up there. : ) I remembered it as soon as I saw it. Hope you're having a great day.

    1. Too funny!!! I need to pay better attention I guess! Hope you are having a great day too!


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