
Monday, February 28, 2011

Schoolin' Country Kids....on the birds and the bees...

Mike took the kids to go check cows the other day.  Let me just say when you have 54 minutes and 12 seconds at home alone it is like a little piece of heaven.  I love my kids, but I love a little quiet time too.  I was doing dishes {what a way to spend "me time"} and noticed the pick-up coming down the road a little faster than normal.  Mike came in the house to grab his coveralls and head back to the farm to go pull a calf.  Of course, I had to tag along.  Plus, Jordan already told her dad that I would want to come take pictures so I couldn't disappoint the girl!!!!

#503 is trying to have her calf, but it is coming backwards.  We tried to get her caught, but she took us on a little adventure.

Aww, a new baby, but it is not #503's baby.  I just snapped this while chasing #503 down on the creek.

Okay, after a mile adventure we got her to our feedlot.  I say "we" like I was great help.  Someone has to supervise these adventures!!!!

She is caught!

She is sporting a beautiful lasso necklace and "shouldn't" go anywhere now.  Jordan has the pullers ready....just in case we need them.

You can tell the calf is coming backwards because the hooves are up.  Mike has got the chains on and is pulling with all his might!  Go Mike!!!  However, nothing is budging!

She wasn't having it so she stood back up.  She was being a little defensive {I don't know why!!}.

After dodging a few kicks from her Mike tries to get the pullers on.

So birthing is exhausting and she lays back down.  Look at her look at me......I could feel her pain!

Mike and Dustin got the pullers on her.

Checking...........yep........still backwards!  This is where I told #503 to take a cleansing breath and started to count...1..2..3..4..5..6............  Mike was even asking her to push!

Here he or she comes.

Still coming.......

Congrats #503, you have a LIVE baby calf!!!

We moved the calf off the snow onto a "dry" spot.  We didn't let #503 keep the necklace on so she could venture over to her newborn baby, lick up all the after birth, and eat the placenta!!!!

And that is how country kids are schooled on the birds and the bees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Farmer's Wife

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tortilla Roll-Ups

My SIL Angie makes these tortilla roll-ups and they are the perfect appetizer.  They are always a huge hit with everyone!!!!  I twisted her arm and had to threaten her in order to get her recipe.  I hope you all appreciate what I had to go through to get it.  No, I am just kidding she is always willing to share!!!!

Here is what you need:

  • 1 can diced green chilies (don't drain them)
  • 2 green onions chopped
  • 4 oz sour cream
  • 1 brick of cream cheese
  • ½ package Hidden Valley Fiesta Ranch dip

OOPS, and some could I forget the cheese!!!!!!!!  About a cup.  I used Monterey Jack.

Mix all the ingredients together and then spread out over a tortilla.

Then roll them up and slice them about 1 inch in size.

Eat the ends yourself because they are odd shaped and you better make sure they are suitable for your guests.

(sorry, this is a bad picture, but you get the idea)

So the next time you need a super easy appetizer that is super fast to make try these.  Also, it is best to make these right before you are ready to serve them, otherwise they tend to get a little soggy.


The Farmer's Wife

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Quality Time

The other day it was amazingly gorgeous for a February day so we took full advantage of it and headed out for the afternoon.  My BIL and SIL and niece were staying with us for the weekend so we had quite a crew.  We all hopped on the 4-leelow's and went to see the newest additions to the farm.

Rach, LR, and Aunt Sasa (also know as Rachel, Larry, and Lisa)
Mike was playing in the dirt again so my brood and I hopped on another 4-leelow and went to see the babies.

I am sure this is totally safe!!!!
I spy......

A mama and a couple new babies.  These are not twins, but the other mama is camera shy.  I think she was worried about the 10 pounds the camera adds.

We ventured on about our business and what did we see.......

A brand new baby.  This baby has a mama that didn't care for us checking out her we continued to venture on.

We eventually made it to where Mike was playing in the dirt.  The kids were excited to play on the dam....or what is left of it.

Nothing like a bunch of kids wearing themselves out!!!!!

It takes strong muscles to get all the way up there.

I'm Queen of the World!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am happy to see that all the kids are up there and she wasn't aiming for a sister!!!!

Such Posers!!!!!!

This was trip #34 down the "mountain".

This was trip #17 across the "mountain".  It wasn't as fun to go across as it was to go up and down.

He is in his happy place.....dirt!!!!

I said it was time to go and they asked to go up ONE more time.  1 or 5....what is the difference?!?  Plus, they were setting a goal of 50 trips up and down the dam......I think!

We waited patiently and Mike told LR and Sasa about the dam project.  I wasn't close enough to hear what he is saying, but I know him and I can tell that is what he was talking about because of his actions....I'm that good!!!

It was a perfect day!!!!!!

The Farmer's Wife

Monday, February 21, 2011


Because my mother in law loves me....and because I am spoiled such a lovely person she slaved over her sewing machine for me.

Of course she had direct supervision during this project.

She monogrammed it for me.  Gotta ❤ embroidery machines!!!

It is done, finished, completed.........

And now I have some ✴BLING✴ for my camera strap.

Notice the adorable little pocket she put on my strap to hold my lens cap.  How cute is that!!!  BTW she did this in less than an hour!!!!!!!!!

Now, if this strap would just improve my photography skills............sigh!!!

The Farmer's Wife

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Super Easy Chicken Parmesan

Here is a super easy recipe.  It is the kind of recipe you can "dress up" for a fancy dinner by adding tasteful side dish, some seasoned bread, and a fancy salad....heck you could go all out and serve it with wine {or whatever adult beverage you consider "fine" like beer}.  I prefer to "dress it down" and put in the feed trough in front of the family.  The possibilities are endless......

Here goes:

You will need the following:

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

  • 3 or 4 boneless skinless chicken boobs
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 jar of spaghetti sauce
  • 1 cup of Italian style bread crumbs
  • 1/3 cup Parmesan cheese 
  • 2 garlic cloves chopped
  • 1/2 cup onion chopped
  • Monterey Jack cheese
  • 2 Tbsp butter
Cut your chicken boobs in half.

Then beat eggs in a small dish.

Mix together the Italian style bread crumbs and the Parmesan cheese in a bowl.

Heat 1-2 Tbsp of vegetable oil in a pan on low to medium heat.

Dip the chicken in the egg mixture.

And then the crumb and cheese mixture.  Be sure to get the chicken covered well.

Once all the chicken is covered add it to the pan and allow to cook on medium heat about 8 minutes {be sure to flip it about half way}.


While you wait for the chicken to finish cooking add the spaghetti sauce to a greased 9x13 baking dish.

Remove the cooked chicken from the pan and set aside.  Then add the butter to the pan and allow to melt on low-medium heat.

Then add the chopped garlic and onions and allow to cook for about 2 minutes.

While the onion and garlic cook you can "cut the cheese"...tee hee.  I use 1 slice per piece of chicken.

Add your chicken to the sauce and top with the onion and garlic mixture and then the cheese.  I also used some of the left over crumb mixture and sprinkled it on the top of the cheese.  Place in oven for 20-25 minutes.

Cook the pasta according to the package directions while the chicken is in the oven.  Use the pasta of your choice.   I used bowtie pasta {because I was going for that "fancy" dinner that required ties}.

When the chicken is done and the cheese is melted to a slightly golden brown remove it from the oven.

Then serve it up in the trough.....or whatever you would like.


The Farmer's Wife